Call for papers

Crítica. Revista Hispanoamericana de Filosofía

Special issue: “Thought and Reasoning in Non-Human Animals

Guest editor: Laura Danón

We invite submissions for a special issue of Crítica on “Thought and Reasoning in Non-Human Animals”. The issue will feature invited papers by Giacomo Melis (Stirling University), Carolina Scotto (CONICET), Robert Lurz (Brooklyn College) and Erik Nelson (Dalhousie University).

Possible topics include: attribution of intentional mental states to non-human animals, animal beliefs, animal inferential capacities, meta-representation and metacognition in animals, animal agency, different kinds of reasoning processes in animals, animal concepts and animal representations. 

Papers should not exceed 10,000 words excluding references and should be submitted in PDF or Word format to the following email address: Acceptable languages are English and Spanish. The deadline for submissions is July 15st, 2025.

Authors must send two electronic versions of their manuscripts. One should include the author’s name, title of contribution, e-mail address, postal address (including phone number); and a second version should be prepared for anonymous refereeing, where all references to the author including acknowledgements and biographical details are omitted. The file containing the article text must include the title, an abstract (100 words maximum) and a list of five keywords not mentioned in the title. If possible, title, abstract, and keywords should be both in English and Spanish.


Special Issues

Crítica welcomes proposals for special issues on philosophical topics of relevance to contemporary debates within the analytic tradition broadly understood.

Each special issue must have one or more Guest Editors who are responsible for formulating the topic, selecting some invited papers by authors with a recognized research record, designing an international call for papers, and coordinating the peer-review process according to Crítica's guidelines. 

Guest Editors are expected to distribute the call for papers in English and/or Spanish through different media such as PHILOS-L, PhilEvents, and so on. Crítica also assists Guest Editors with the distribution of the call for papers through Crítica's mailing lists and social networks.

Special issues normally have between six and eight articles. It is advisable that at least fifty per cent of the articles be obtained through the international call for papers.  

Special issues cannot include articles by Guest Editors. However, Guest Editors can write either a Preface or an Introduction. Prefaces and Introductions to Special Issues will be reviewed by members of the Editorial Board of Crítica.

Once the selection process has been finalized, members of the Editorial Board of Crítica will review the special issue and will reserve the right to approve, reject or condition the publication of the contributions. The Editorial Board of Crítica will assist Guest Editors throughout the process.


Interested in submitting a proposal for a special issue?

Proposals for special issues should be sent by email to editor-in-chief Santiago Echeverri ( 

Proposals should consist of a draft of the call for papers including the following information:

1) Title of the special issue.

2) Name(s) and affiliations of guest editors.

3) A brief description of the topic and questions to be addressed.

4) Names and affiliations of invited authors.

Guest editors can request a template from the editor-in-chief to elaborate their draft of the call for papers. It is advisable that Guest Editors contact invited authors before submitting their proposal and indicate whether some of them have confirmed their willingness to contribute an article.

The editor-in-chief will make an initial screening of all proposals in order to determine their suitability for Crítica. Proposals that are considered appropriate for Crítica will then be evaluated by the Associate Editors, who will issue one of the following verdicts: Acceptance, Revise & Resubmit, Rejection.

The timetable for a special issue is at least 14 months, distributed as follows:

4 months from the date of the publication of the call for papers to the submission deadline.

3 months for a first round of review.

2 months allocated for authors to revise & resubmit their manuscripts.

3 months to reach a final decision on manuscripts.

2 months for copyediting and typesetting.