Términos peyorativos de grupo, estereotipos y actos de habla

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Eleonora Orlando
Andrés Saab


This paper is about group slurs, i.e., expressions that are prima facie associated with the speaker’s conveyance of a derogatory feeling for a certain group of people identified in terms of their origin or descent (“spic”), race (“nigger”), sexual orientation (“faggot”), ethnicity or religion (“kike”), political ideology (“snowflake”), habits or ways of living (“whore”), etc. Our purpose is twofold: (i) explaining the non-truth-conditional or expressive meaning dimension in terms of a version of stereotype semantics, and (ii) applying a speech act theory to the original and paradigmatic derogatory uses of such terms.


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Orlando, E., & Saab, A. (2019). Términos peyorativos de grupo, estereotipos y actos de habla. Crítica. Revista Hispanoamericana De Filosofía, 51(153), 31–58. https://doi.org/10.22201/iifs.18704905e.2019.1147

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