Aims and Scope
Crítica. Revista Hispanoamericana de Filosofía is a quarterly journal published by the Institute for Philosophical Research at UNAM in Mexico. It publishes original articles, discussions, survey articles, book symposia, target articles, special issues, and reviews in any area of philosophy, as long as they fall within the analytic tradition broadly understood. Crítica places great value on conceptual precision, argumentative rigor, and originality. Crítica’s readers are primarily academic philosophers and philosophy students, so authors are expected to make clear how their work helps advance the relevant philosophical debates.
Crítica welcomes contributions in all areas of contemporary philosophy, including aesthetics, epistemology, ethics, general philosophy of science, metaethics, metaphilosophy, metaphysics, moral philosophy, philosophy of action, philosophy of language, philosophy of logic, philosophy of mind, philosophy of the special sciences, political philosophy, and social philosophy. Crítica also publishes contributions in the history of philosophy, provided that they focus on philosophical problems and arguments rather than on merely exegetical or contextual aspects of some historical figure or period. Crítica also publishes articles that draw on empirical evidence to discuss issues of relevance to contemporary philosophy.
Crítica publishes articles in English and Spanish. All accepted articles are published open access, as defined by the Budapest Open Access Initiative, which allows users to download, read, distribute, and print the contents published by the journal, on the condition that they give credit to the original authors and editors. Crítica does not charge for submission, processing, publication or reading of manuscripts.
Founded in 1967 by Alejandro Rossi, Fernando Salmerón and Luis Villoro, Crítica was the first journal dedicated to analytic philosophy in Latin America. It has published articles by influential authors such as Carlos Alchourrón, G.E.M. Anscombe, David M. Armstrong, Eugenio Bulygin, Héctor-Neri Castañeda, Donald Davidson, Jon Elster, R.M. Hare, Gilbert Harman, John L. Mackie, Hugo Margáin, John McDowell, Thomas Nagel, David F. Pears, Arthur N. Prior, Hilary Putnam, W.V.O. Quine, Richard Rorty, Gilbert Ryle, Sydney Shoemaker, Thomas M. Simpson, Ernest Sosa, Peter F. Strawson, Bas C. van Fraassen, and Georg H. von Wright.