Sex Differences in Neuroscience and Neuroeducation

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Sonia Reverter-Bañón
Maria Medina-Vicent


Neuro-scientific arguments focused on demonstrating sexual differences in the brain are very popular. Some of the conclusions of these experiments have derived in neuro-educational proposals aimed at fostering single-sex education projects. Such proposals are insufficiently rigorous for their application to be justified, not only because neuro-scientific studies are far from being able to identify significant sexual differences in the brain, but because the necessary critical dialogue between sciences that might sustain appropriate educational strategies is lacking. We conclude that there is a need to establish such a dialogue between the different areas involved in the neuro-education field. Only through a dialogue of this kind would we be able to base democratic educational models where gender equality is an inalienable value.


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Reverter-Bañón, S., & Medina-Vicent, M. (2018). Sex Differences in Neuroscience and Neuroeducation. Crítica. Revista Hispanoamericana De Filosofía, 50(150), 3–26.

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