La naturaleza del sujeto y el argumento de la unidad

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Adrián Sampedro


In the present work I inspect several answers to the question raised by Descartes What Am I? I suggest that, although the proposal that I am identical to my human organism or to some part of it (the thesis embraced by materialists) is thought to be the most plausible in nowadays scientific viewpoint, it faces a problem that seems intractable, namely: the problem of accounting the identity-dependence between mental states and their subjects. Finally, I contend that the genuine bearers of mental states are, in the broad sense of the term, unitary subjects of experience, rather than persons.


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Sampedro, A. (2019). La naturaleza del sujeto y el argumento de la unidad. Crítica. Revista Hispanoamericana De Filosofía, 51(152), 85–111.

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