Integrating Inferentialism about Physical Theories and Representations: A Case for Phase Space Diagrams

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Javier Anta


This paper argues for an integrated inferential conception about theories and representations and its role in accounting for the theoretical value of philosophically disregarded representational practices, such as the systematic use of phase space diagrams within the theoretical context of statistical mechanics. This proposal would rely on both inferentialism about scientific representations (Suárez 2004) and inferentialism about particular physical theories (Wallace 2017). I defend that both perspectives somehow converge into an integrated inferentialism by means of the thesis of theories as being composed of representations, as defended from the representational semantic conception defended by Suárez and Pero (2019).


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Anta, J. (2021). Integrating Inferentialism about Physical Theories and Representations: A Case for Phase Space Diagrams. Crítica. Revista Hispanoamericana De Filosofía, 53(158), 47–77.

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