Rationality and Unreflective Action. The Dreyfus-McDowell Debate

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Juan Pablo Hernandez Betancur


The recent debate initiated by Hubert Dreyfus and John McDowell has called attention on the relation between rationality and unreflective action. In this paper I propose a form of specifying the disagreement between intellectualists and anti-intellectualists, as I will call them. In light of this proposal I argue that the main anti-intelectualist argument can only succeed if at least one of three implicit presuppositions is granted. These presuppositions are far from being self-evident and their truth is challenged by familiar phenomena. I finish with some remarks that suggest the intellectualist ends up in a better argumentative position.


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How to Cite
Hernandez Betancur, J. P. (2018). Rationality and Unreflective Action. The Dreyfus-McDowell Debate. Crítica. Revista Hispanoamericana De Filosofía, 47(140), 43–63. https://doi.org/10.22201/iifs.18704905e.2015.496
Author Biography

Juan Pablo Hernandez Betancur, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

The recent debate initiated by Hubert Dreyfus and John McDowell has called attention on the relation between rationality and unreflective action. In this paper I propose a form of specifying the disagreement between intellectualists and anti-intellectualists, as I will call them. In light of this proposal I argue that the main anti-intelectualist argument can only succeed if at least one of three implicit presuppositions is granted. These presuppositions are far from being self-evident and their truth is challenged by familiar phenomena. I finish with some remarks that suggest the intellectualist ends up in a better argumentative position.

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