The Problem of Representation: Valid or Solid Surrogative Reasoning?

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Hernán Lucas Accorinti


In this article, I will try to provide good reasons that show the weakness of the arguments given by Contessa to support valid surrogate reasoning (SR) over solid ones as a source of representing. Firstly, I will analyze certain epistemic advantages of the criterion supported by solid SR, showing the limits of the criterion stipulated by Contessa. Secondly, I will show that the arguments given by Contessa to dismiss solid SR criteria are deficient since, at best, they do not demonstrate anything and, at worst, they either commit an ambiguity fallacy or a petitio principii.


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Accorinti, H. L. (2022). The Problem of Representation: Valid or Solid Surrogative Reasoning?. Crítica. Revista Hispanoamericana De Filosofía, 54(160), 57–81.

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