Petitio Principii, Ad Ignorantiam y fundamentación del conocimiento

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Javier Vilanova Arias


In this paper I examine the problem of circularity in the justification of knowledge from the point of view of argumentation theory. I introduce the expression founding argument for the arguments we use to try to prove that we know, and explain the classical account of the two fallacies that may be committed: ad ignorantiam and petitio principii. A new definition of both fallacies, based on recent work in the theory of argumentation, is used to show that not every founding argument is fallacious. 


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Cómo citar
Vilanova Arias, J. (2018). Petitio Principii, Ad Ignorantiam y fundamentación del conocimiento. Crítica. Revista Hispanoamericana De Filosofía, 43(127), 27–57.

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