Morality and its Shadows: Instrumental Rationality and the Evolution of Fairness Norms

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Alejandro Rosas


Sociobiologists have endorsed a "Calvinist" position captured in the following formula: if natural selection explains moral attitudes, morality is not genuinely altruistic; if morality is altruistic, then natural selection cannot explain it. I expose the false presuppositions behind this claim and argue that altruism as fairness is not incompatible with natural selection. I reject a Hobbesian view of morality as an instrumental endorsement of fairness norms, but suggest its use to interpret primate psychology and to model an evolutionary progression ending in moral capacities as adaptations.



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How to Cite
Rosas, A. (2018). Morality and its Shadows: Instrumental Rationality and the Evolution of Fairness Norms. Crítica. Revista Hispanoamericana De Filosofía, 37(110), 79–104.

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