The Probability as Degree of Possibility

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José Luis Rolleri


In critical disagreement with Popper's propensity interpretation, I hold the thesis that the mathematical concept of probability can be interpreted as the degree of physical possibility.
Let a single event e be the final state of the evolution of a physical system S, given a specific initial state of S, then e is physically possible, relative to a theory T if the initial state of S is describable by T and the description of the event e is prescriptible by the laws of T.
In quantum theory, the objective character of this proposal lies in the fact that quantum probabilistic descriptions cannot be reduced to classical descriptions with local hidden variables. In support of this interpretation, I show that there is an implicitrepresentation of quantum-mechanics probabilistic statements, that refer to the possible outcomes in experimental process of observables with a discrete spectrum of eigenvalues



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How to Cite
Rolleri, J. L. (2019). The Probability as Degree of Possibility. Crítica. Revista Hispanoamericana De Filosofía, 34(101), 3–26.

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